Raspberry Pi Printing


Raspberry Pi Header pinout Raspberry Pi 400 ZXPS Serial Connection
RPi 400 Connector serial cable wiring

ZXPS Connector J1 PCB Layout  ZXPS J1 on PCB 
ZXPS to RPi connections
Example using ZXPS solderless breadboard to build 10K voltage divider on ZXPS 5Volt TX output to accomodate 3.3 Raspberry RX input.  Signals to PRi travel on 3-wire cable at the right.

ABOVE: The hardware connection between a Raspberry Pi and XZPS for serial port printing

BELOW: The comments reprinted from the Github text_printer.ino Arduino sketch for configuring a Raspberry Pi pinter port.   
The file gets installed in Arduino/libraries/ZXPrinterLibrary-main/examples/text_printer/text_printer.ino

On Raspberry Pi:

1. enable the Serial Port and disable the Serial Console. On the desktop...
   - click top left Raspberry icon->Preferences->Raspberry Pi Configuration->Interfaces
   - reboot
2. connect the Raspberry Pi to the ZXPS shield.
   - connect pin 6 (Ground) to the ZXPS shield serial header GND
   - connect pin 8 (UART TXD) to the ZXPS shield serial header RX
   - connect pin 10 (UART RXD) to the ZXPS shield serial header TX through a voltage divider
                   _____            _____
     ZXPS TX -----|_____|----o-----|_____|------ GND
                    10K      |       10K
     Pi pin 10 --------------+
3. add a text printer. On the desktop...
   - click top left Raspberry icon->Preferences->Print Settings
   - click "Add"
   - click "Serial Port #1"
   - for "Baud Rate" select "9600"
   - for "Flow Control" select "XON/XOFF (Software)"
   - click "Forward"
   - select "Generic (recommended)"
   - click "Forward"
   - select "Text-Only (recommended)"
   - click "Forward"
   - disable "Send Form Feed after each page"
   - click "Forward"
   - enter a "Printer Name" and "Description"  
   - click "Apply"
   - if the new printer doesn't have a geen tick, right click the printer and "Set As Default" 
   - right click the printer->Properties
   - select "Printer Options"
   - set the "Left Margin", "Right Margin", "Top Margin", and "Bottom Margin" to 0
   - Click "OK"
4. to print a text file. In a terminal...
   - Enter "lp [filename]" where [filename] is the text file to print


The following is a slide show of screen captures you get following the above Raspberry Pi serial port configuration instructions .

Raspberry Pi Printer Configuration


To create a file in Linux using the cat command, you can use the following steps:
  1. Type cat >
  2. Type the name of the file you want to create
  3. Press Enter
  4. Type the text you want to add to the file
  5. Press Ctrl+D to save the file
For example, to create a file named file1.txt, you would type cat > file1.txt.