reprint of document
shipped with ZXPS


Getting Started
STEP 1:  Assembling your XZPS

Follow the enclosed printed black and white assembly instructions, or refer to the assembly instruction on the website.

STEP 2: Preparing your Arduino software environment
 2a - Do not plug your ZXPS into your Arduino yet.
 2b - Download and install the ZXPrinterLibrary and ZXPrinterTester libraries from into your Arduino IDE. 

 2c - Connect your Arduino UNO to your computer
 2d - From your Arduino IDE Menu make sure you have your board selected to Arduino UNO and your port selected
 2e - from in the menu select
File -> Examples-> ZXPrinter Library-> print_hello_world
- compile and download this sketch and make sure you don’t get any errors. 

STEP 3:  Making sure your printer works by itself.  
If you have any doubts, you can run a self-test.
PRINTER SELF-TEST: A SELF-TEST mode has been built into your Alphacom 32 and TIMEX TS204 printers to provide a simple operational check.  When placed in this mode the printer repeatedly prints a line of the numeral "8" and a line of the numeral "1".  The test mode is entered by pressing the OFF button once while holding the ON/ADVANCE button down then releasing the ON/ADVANCE button.  To stop SELF-TEST, press the OFF button.  To reset your printer into printing mode, press ON/ADVANCE button.

STEP 4:  Making Hardware Connections

- Disconnect your ARDUINO from any power source
- Disconnect your printer frorm its power
- Carefully plug your ZXPS into your Arduino UNO
- Plug your ZXPS into your printer’s connector

- Reconnect in any order, the USB cable from your computer  to your Arduino and power to your printer.
- Turn your printer on
- Repeat steps 2c through 2e and Hello world!  should print.

STEP 5:  Remember to turn off power from your Arduino and Printer before you unplug or plug your ZXPS from your printer.